Acquisition audit & Due diligence
We have carried out this type of mission for more than 20 years on behalf of large French companies and SMEs. The experience acquired by Stéphane DERUY, Xavier HECKLER, Alexis MAGIE, Anne-Sophie LEULIER and Cédric DOS SANTOS with respect to company acquisitions in Spain, Italy and Portugal is often proven to be essential and indispensable for our clients.
These missions consist of carrying out a limited review of the target company in its accounting, financial, tax, social and legal aspects, in order to highlight any adjustments to the accounts, recurring items and proven or potential risks.
The objective of our work is to:
- reassure the investor in the project they plan to carry out,
- inform them of all the significant elements in order to be able to make their investment decision with full knowledge of the facts,
- provide them with solid arguments for the negotiation of the acquisition price,
- target the specific risks to be covered in the asset/liability guarantee,
- identify any synergies linked to the external growth operation,
- identify the actions to be implemented after the acquisition.

We issue a very comprehensive report which includes, in particular, the following points:
- identification of deal breakers,
- elements that impact the valuation,
- risks to be dealt with in the asset/liability guarantee,
- elements to take into consideration in the negotiation,
- operational problems identified and post-acquisition issues.